The Farm is a creative project by husband and wife, Surya and Ritu Singh. It resides on a 16-acre plot close to the cosmopolitan center of the region, Jaipur. The whole hotel is made from recycled materials and seeks to be original in design and concept.
Each room is detached for extra privacy and arranged around a raised swimming pool where the trendy restaurant can also be found. Guests are fed mainly on organic vegetables from the hotel’s own garden. Luxury is not sacrificed to creative endeavor here; the dinners are candlelit and scrumptious. Themed suites are found in an independent complex nearby.
Recreation is plentiful; the hotel has its own cinema, pool room, and yoga studio. Creativity is the driving force behind this hotel and painting classes are held regularly. But you could have guessed that already by checking out the unique and original decoration vibes flowing like a gymnast’s ribbon throughout the hotel. You can also go golfing or trail riding around The Farm’s warm and vibrant estate.

Prithvisinghpura, Dhankiya Road, Bad Ke Balaji Jaipur, Rajasthan 302026, India