3 weird Hotels

CasAnus - The Giant Intestine Hotel

Dutch artist Joep Van Lieshout has created a [unique work of art](https://www.uniqhotels.com/art-hotels) that you can stay in...if your heart desires. His giant human intestine sculpture (yes, intestine), located in Belgium, sits in the middle of a field commissioned as part of the Verbeke Foundation Sculpture Park, which hosts over 20,000 …

BaseCamp Hostel Bonn - Funky Vintage Caravans

If you are looking for something different as you pass through Bonn, the Base Camp-Bonn hostel is a funky and retro alternative to more traditional backpackers’ accommodations. Thanks to the creative mind of a movie set director, you can now stay in the only indoor vintage caravan in the world. …

Propeller Island City Lodge - The Weirdest Hotel In The World

The most avant-garde city in the world, Berlin, is now home to the weirdest hotel in the world: Propeller Island City Lodge. Hand-made down to the last door handle by artist Lars Stroschen, staying here is a unique experience. You could be sleeping in a floating bed or twin white …