8 volcano Hotels

Hobbitenango - Adult's Playground at Guatemala's Hobbit Village
Are you looking for a unique experience in Antigua, Guatemala? Hobbitenango is an adult's playground, hotel, and restaurant located just 20 minutes from the beautiful colonial city, which once had one of the longest names of any city in the world: "La Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudad de Santiago …

La Casa Del Mundo - Other-Worldly Beauty In Guatemala
The charming little hotel, nestled on a mountain cliff in Lake Atitlán, is run by the owners, Bill (originating from the US) and Rosy (from Guatemala). They met and married in Alaska, where their two sons, Sebastián and Benjamín, were born. Their dream was to build their own house in …

Huilo Huilo Canopy Village – Treehouse Swinging Life
The Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve is located right beside the entrance of the Chilean Patagonia and in the center of the Temperate Humid Forest in the south of Chile. This private project is located along the shores of Pirihueico Lake, near Panguipulli, and is around 60,000 hectares (144,000 acres) of land. …

The Hotel Baobab – Jungle Times For Fun People
The Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve is 232 square miles of Chilean Rainforest. It was originally part of the Chilean state forestry commission, administered by the Pinochet regime. In the 1980s progressive economical thinkers known as the ‘Chicago Boys’ encouraged the state to sell off these assets, the Huilo Huilo reserve …

Montana Magica Lodge – Tall Tales In The Jungle
Eschew Disney Land’s magical pretensions and come to Huilo Huilo Montaña Mágica Lodge for a truly magical experience. The magic should be plain to anyone who sees its main building. A gigantic artificial volcano spews spa waters over its rocky sides instead of lava. Windows peek from the sides like …

Hotel Antumalal – Modern Design: Ancient Jungle
Built in the 1940s in the Bauhaus style, this modern architecture is striking and functional. It looks wide awake with windows that open up the side of the building and encompass views of the beautiful habitats of Pucon. Manicured gardens blossom with local plants, trees and shrubs and you can …

Explora Atacama - Adventures In The Heart Of A Historic Landscape
The Atacama Hotel is a stylish and modern lodge in the heart of a historic landscape. Indeed, the area has great archaeological significance, so all you history lovers make sure you pack your boots and shovels. Nature lovers will want to explore the Licancabur Volcano, dream over desert landscapes, and …

Kirkjubaer Church – Authentic Iceland
This was once home to lines of tough-faced worshippers from the local fishing village of Stöðvarfjörður. Now it is home to you while you explore Iceland’s volcano-carved east coast. There is plenty of room and the accommodation is warm and welcoming. There is a self-catering kitchen and the choice of …