3 telescope Hotels

Leobo Private Reserve - Space Observatory & Safari

Leobo is an award-winning private property that has just recently opened up for travelers. It is owned by an English family; hence it's a one-time opportunity to enjoy their exceptional creation as an exclusive rental. Leobo Private Reserve is set in the Waterberg Game Park, surrounded by a 12000-acre private …

Post Ranch Inn – True Grit And Beautiful Scenery In Big Sur

Set in the blisteringly beautiful hills, planes and beaches of Big Sur in California, The Post Ranch Inn has long been part of the local area. In the early 20th Century explorer William Brainard Post was one of the first settlers in the area which was still largely uninhabited, he …

Elqui Domos – Where The Universe Reveals Itself

Where the crystal crags of the Andes meet the Atacama Desert, there is a magical land where the skies are clear 300 days of the year. The annual melting of snow from the mountains feeds a valley more green against the pure blue skies. It is the home to many …