5 swedish Hotels

Woodpecker Hotel - Hotell Hackspett, The Hotel In The Trees
To get to your room you will need to climb 13 meters up a rope ladder. It is located high in the boughs of a magnificent Oak tree which is 130 years old. From your private balcony, you will command spectacular views of a public park and Lake Mälaren. Room …

IceHotel – Nice Ice, Baby
Like the Fortress of Solitude in Superman minus the crystal-powered computer, the ICEHotel is built every winter in Swedish Lapland. It melts every summer and rises again the following year. An open call to artists, architects, and designers is always available, and the hotel pushes creativity forward with a selection …

Fabriken Furillen – Fans Of The Killing Take Note
A former limestone quarry, this privately owned boutique hotel has been a labor of love for the family that owns it. The idea was to make the structure as simple as possible so as not to detract from the stunning surroundings of Gotland, Sweden’s largest island and home to Visby …

Utter Inn - Floating House On The Lake
When you wake up in the Utter Inn, you will think you are still dreaming. After all, fish should not be swimming past your window, and that cloud is actually a jellyfish? What’s going on here? Then you remember you booked a room in the unusual underwater hotel by Swedish …

Langholmen Hotel - Former Swedish Prison
The activities available to guests and groups at the Langholmen Hotel are all about pretending to be a prisoner and making your escape from the island. You will learn skills such as teamwork, climbing, and marksmanship. Has no one told the staff that Langholmen is no longer a prison? I …