3 project Hotels

Corona Save the Beach Hotel - Made Of Trash
What kind of hotel advertises itself as “fully disinfected”? A hotel made of trash, that’s what. This temporary hotel was erected on the banks of the Tiber in Rome to bring attention to the threat posed to Europe’s beaches by the mountains of trash left by careless tourists each year. …

Capsule Hotel - Orange UFO-Like Floating Capsule
F.A.S.T (Free Architecture Surf Terrain) is an alternative surfing community with a hostel, an all-summer beach party, and a number of ‘survival capsules’. These originally came from an off-shore oil rig and are now available to stay in. You can choose from a few pods, each with its own emergency …

Hotel Everland - Moving Artwork
Hotel Everland is not a hotel. It is the subjective dream of a hotel. It is a project by artist duo, Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann, better known as L/B. Part of the ‘Life Art’ movement, the duo creates works that involve the viewer in the moment of art itself. …