3 piano Hotels

Aria Hotel Budapest - The Best Hotel In The World
Located in Hungary’s capital on the “Pest” side of the Danube River and just steps from St. Stephen’s Basilica, the Aria Hotel in Budapest represents a love for all things musical. The word “aria” actually means “a long, accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or …

The Williamsburg Hotel - Brooklyn’s Most Chic Hotel
When you think of Williamsburg, New York, you probably think of chic boutiques, art galleries, and great nightlife. With the all-present cool vibe, the Williamsburg Hotel lives and breathes the atmosphere of Brooklyn’s hip neighborhood. This place is a great start if you want to fully emerge yourself in the …

Hard Day’s Night Hotel - Beatles-Themed Interior
I will attempt to talk about this Beetles-themed hotel with no terrible Beetles-related puns. It will be hard, can I do it? Read on. Situated next door to the famous ‘Cavern Club’ where the Beetles first rose to fame, this hotel is perfectly suited for fans to explore all the …