3 industry Hotels

Carbon Hotel - Coal Miner's Dream

Coal mining was the principal industry of the Limburg area. The Carbon Hotel takes its namesake from these seams of history that run through the rocks and culture of the area. Luckily that’s where the similarity with coal mining ends. Your room has an iPod dock, a BOSE Soundsystem, designer …

The Crane Hotel - Awesome Harbor Crane Restored & Repurposed

Blue Head, the Spider, and Long William are not sexual euphemisms but are actually nicknames for this old harbor crane which holds a special place in many people’s hearts. Apparently, it took a team of ‘history fanatics’ two years to restore it to its former glory and open it as …

Fabriken Furillen – Fans Of The Killing Take Note

A former limestone quarry, this privately owned boutique hotel has been a labor of love for the family that owns it. The idea was to make the structure as simple as possible so as not to detract from the stunning surroundings of Gotland, Sweden’s largest island and home to Visby …