2 hike Hotels

Fannaråkhytta Lodge - Norway’s Highest Tourist Lodge

A joy for the ruddy-cheeked and strong-legged, this unique hotel is actually a cabin 2068m above sea-level and is Norway’s highest tourist lodge with views of the Hurrungane Mountains and ancient glaciers that reflect light from the long-shining summer sun. This remote lodge is only accessible by foot. You will …

Juvet Landscape Hotel – Getaway Hotel From The Ex-Machina Movie

Juvet is far away from the densely populated world, a 90-minute drive from the closest Norwegian city, Ålesund. In the Ex-Machina movie, this stunning remote getaway was the property of a tech billionaire who experimented on [human-like robots](https://www.uniqhotels.com/?q=robot). These rooms were designed to bring you as close to nature as …