11 dutch Hotels

Hôtel Droog - Dutch Concept
Whether you are visiting Amsterdam for business or pleasure, or perhaps a mix of both, one of the most unique hotel experiences to be had is at the Hôtel Droog. It is located in the heart of the historical center of the city and what makes it truly interesting is …

Hayema Heerd - Dutch Igloos
Located on a Dutch farm, this B&B is themed around the straw. Sleep in the hayloft on the world’s most luxurious straw bed with plenty of comforters, covers, and pillows. The rest of the decoration is fairy-tale themed guaranteed to make you feel like a princess; there are chandeliers, cow …

Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Zaandam - Colorful Copy-Paste Houses Stacked Up
This incredible-looking hotel is twelve stories high and looks as if a giant has taken a number of the green-painted cottages typical of the Zaan region and mashed them together. One blue house stands out in the mix – it is a reference to Monet’s painting “The Blue House” completed …

Mainport by Inntel Hotels - Private Spa In Your Suite
“Rotterdam is anywhere alone” sang The Beautiful South in the 1990s. God knows what they were on about. But one place in Rotterdam that certainly isn’t just anywhere is the Mainport by Inntel Hotels. The black glass and metal exterior make a statement from the outset. Your room has some …

Wine Barrel Hotel - De Vrouwe Van Stavoren
Guaranteed to confuse any alcoholic, in this hotel you are supposed to sleep in the wine barrels. The hotel is located in the harbor town of Stavoren which is one of the oldest towns in the Netherlands. It used to be a wealthy seaport where legend has it, a proud …

Wooden Water-Side Lodges - Werf Ijlst? Werf Isit? Oh There It Is
In the Northern Netherlands, people don’t drive so much. They cycle the flatlands breathing fresh air or they take a boat along a network of clean waterways. The area is full of historic attractions and European charm. To make the most of your stay, the Werf Ijlst hotel offers its …

Controversy Tram Inn - Delightful Piece Of Insanity In The Netherlands
The controversy is a delightful piece of insanity courtesy of a Dutch couple who love converting obsolete public transport into luxury accommodation. Their farm is a museum to reclaimed vehicles; everything from a 1958 Cadillac to a modern-day MIG fighter jet. You can catch the MIG humorously placed on top …

The Crane Hotel - Awesome Harbor Crane Restored & Repurposed
Blue Head, the Spider, and Long William are not sexual euphemisms but are actually nicknames for this old harbor crane which holds a special place in many people’s hearts. Apparently, it took a team of ‘history fanatics’ two years to restore it to its former glory and open it as …

Lighthouse Hotel - Restored Harbor Lighthouse In Harlingen
Not just the location for the awesome Australian children’s program, Round the Twist lighthouses are also hotels. And they save lives too. Let’s hear it for lighthouses! This tower was active for over 75 years with parts of it dating back over 200 years when a huge flame was used …

Conscious Hotel Vondelpark - Eco Hotel In Amsterdam
A veteran hotelier’s wife gives birth to a child on a starry night. And when the proud father looks past the waving arms and feet into that child’s eyes, he was forever changed. This is roughly what happened to make the Dutch duo, Marco and Sam open a hotel aiming …

Capsule Hotel - Orange UFO-Like Floating Capsule
F.A.S.T (Free Architecture Surf Terrain) is an alternative surfing community with a hostel, an all-summer beach party, and a number of ‘survival capsules’. These originally came from an off-shore oil rig and are now available to stay in. You can choose from a few pods, each with its own emergency …