3 digital nomad Hotels

Hektor Container Hotel - Digital Nomad Lifestyle In Ship Containers

In the smallest Baltic state, post-Soviet development has seen a dramatic pace. Estonia's prosperity fueled by technocracy made into the most digitally advanced country in the world. This thriving for modernity trickles down to architecture as well. Creative minds have turned an abandoned tsarist-era railway depot upside down and made …

Capsule Hotel Lucerne - Switzerland’s First Capsule Hotel Is Affordable And Futuristic

If you’ve been putting that Swiss holiday away because of the high prices, here’s some good news. Switzerland just got its very first capsule hotel with a pretty affordable price tag! Capsule Hotel Lucerne is located right on the edge of the historic city center and just 10 minutes on …

CityHub Amsterdam - Capsule Hotel For Digital Natives In Amsterdam

The Japanese capsule hotels are taking Europe by storm! Amsterdam’s CityHub deserves particular attention with its mission to cater for travel in the digital age. Not only does each hub (as they call them here) have an excellent Wi-Fi connection, built-in speakers, and app-controlled lighting – you can actually take …