3 attraction Hotels

Wigwam Motel - Tipis On The Historic U.S. Route 66
The Americana and motel cultures matured together as motoring became widespread in the first half of the 20th Century, and it is one of the most novel aesthetic moments of the period. The Wigwam motel was built by a Native American enthusiast who patented the unique concrete structures and set …

Dog Bark Park Inn – And Bingo Was His Name-Oh
If the Ancient Greeks had decided to attack Troy using a giant dog rather than a horse it might have looked something like this. Husband and wife team, Dennis and Frances use chainsaws to carve folk-art wooden dogs and have done for the last 15 years. When their work was …

The Queen Mary Hotel - Historic Luxury Liner In Long Beach
All the pomp and grandeur of the Titanic without any of that silliness with icebergs; the Queen Mary has had a long and prosperous career with no (fingers crossed) bad renditions of ‘My Heart Will Go On’ yet. Beginning life in the 1930s, it was built in Scotland and became …