I love Amsterdam. With street names like PC Hoofdstraat and the Vondelpark, I can imagine only the Von Trapps and Clogs - happy times. This hotel is one for all you philosophy lovers. So, get your heads out of the clouds you dreamers! Unless, of course, you are staying in Hotel De Filosoof’s ‘Cloud Room’ which is decorated in the style of surrealist, Magritte who used a lot of clouds in his paintings. The room is also dedicated to Socrates and the ancient playwright, Aristophanes. Here, all the rooms are unique pieces of design based upon the themes of philosophy and art. Let’s hope there isn’t a Diogenes room!*
You will find the location to be suitable for philosophical thinking. The hotel resides in a quiet neighborhood and you have access to a lovely outside garden/courtyard. You could choose the ‘Passion Room’ which dedicated to ‘Eros’ and ‘Platonic’ love (apparently, the designers do not see a contradiction in this), or the unusual Wittgenstein Room. And if these solemn philosophers had ever seen their work being used to such great effect, they might have cheered up a bit.
*Diogenes was the philosopher who famously lived ‘like a dog’ on the streets of Athens

Anna van den Vondelstraat 6, Amsterdam, Netherlands