The most avant-garde city in the world, Berlin, is now home to the weirdest hotel in the world: Propeller Island City Lodge.
Hand-made down to the last door handle by artist Lars Stroschen, staying here is a unique experience.
You could be sleeping in a floating bed or twin white coffins. You will feel like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole.
The noise and rush of Berlin will be like soothing music to your ears compared to the insanity that awaits you in your hotel room. Unusual? Yes. An acquired taste? Maybe.
But you have the opportunity to stay in a real-life work of art.
Choose to lodge in one of 30 rooms. From the elegantly chic to the mind-meltingly intense, you will undoubtedly appreciate that every last detail is entirely original, un-copied, and cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
Do not expect to find a concierge service, dining room, or spa. The bathrooms are communal.
Here, it is all about its creator's art and philosophy: 'to copy nothing and always be original'.

Copyright: Ilka Willand

Blue Room

Electric Wallpapers Room

Flying Bed Room

Forest Room

Four Beams Room

Gallery Room

Glasshouse Room

Grandma Room

Hollywood Room

Landscapes Room

Medi-Terra Room

Museum Room

Nudes Room

Padded Cell Room

Space Cube Room

Speicher Room

Spiegel Zimmer

Table Frog View Room

Tempel Room

Therapie Room

Two Lions Room

Upside Down Room

Wrapper Room
Albrecht-Achilles-Straße 58, 10709 Berlin, Germany