NIHI Sumba Resort - Luxury Hideaway on Indonesia's Best-Kept Secret IslandNIHI Sumba  

On a little-known but rather big Indonesian island not far from Bali and just South of Flores, NIHI runs one of the best luxury eco-resorts in the world.

With 27 private villas spread over 567 acres (230 hectares) of jungle land, it's also one of the most private and remote places. The resort was constructed in 1988 and named after the beach Nihiwatu, which means "mortar stone" in the local language, due to its iconic rock formations in the sea.

When billionaire Christopher Burch purchased the hotel in 2012, he transformed it into a globally acclaimed luxury resort.

Type: Beach   Luxury   Nature   Remote
Location: Wanukaka  Indonesia  Oceania
NIHI Sumba, Indonesia
Photo by Tania Araujo, NIHI Hotels

Although the island of Sumba in Indonesia is both close to Bali and bigger, it doesn't get nearly as much credit as its famous sibling. Sumba is sparsely populated and hilly, has rugged roads, and little tourist infrastructure. It's not an easily accessible travel destination, and that's what makes it the most mysterious of the major islands of Indonesia.

Sumba Island Coast
Photo by Tania Araujo, NIHI Hotels

So, unless you are a hardcore backpacker ready to sleep under the open sky when things don't work out the way you planned, the island's few resorts are your best option to explore Indonesia's hidden gem.

NIHI Sumba Resort
Photo by Tania Araujo, NIHI Hotels

The main quirks of making your way to the island are the gorgeous, clean, and broad beaches and the chance to see Sumba's unique burial places. It's one of the few places on the planet to have neolithic/bronze age megaliths made of stone. As the population is primarily Christian, alcohol, and pork are readily available (unlike in the Muslim-majority parts of Indonesia).

One Bedroom Raja Marangga Duplex
Photo by Nathan, NIHI Hotels

One Bedroom Raja Marangga Duplex

One Bedroom Raja Marangga Duplex Open Air Bed
Photo by Sebastian Suki, NIHI Hotels

NIHI Sumba's 27 villas come in five configurations: one, two, three, four, or five bedrooms. Regardless of your choice, each has a private infinity pool.

One Bedroom Raja Marangga Duplex Romantic Sunset Dining
Photo by Sebastian Suki, NIHI Hotels

One Bedroom Raja Marangga Duplex Private Infinity Pool
Photo by Stephan Kotas, NIHI Hotels

Marangga villas include four-poster beds, infinity pools, a bed, and loungers overlooking the stunning beach.

One Bedroom Raja Marangga Duplex Private Infinity Pool Overlooking the Sea
Photo by Read McKendree, NIHI Hotels

One Bedroom Raja Marangga Duplex Private Infinity Pool Sea View
Photo by Read McKendree, NIHI Hotels

The target group of NIHI is quite evident when you notice that they provide a separate facility in case you are arriving with a maid. Even if not, the resort provides childcare so that you can enjoy worry-free horseback riding on the beach during sunset.

One Bedroom Raja Kanatar
Photo by Read McKendree, NIHI Hotels

One Bedroom Raja Kanatar

One Bedroom Lulu Amahu Pool
Photo by Read McKendree, NIHI Hotels

One Bedroom Lulu Amahu

Two Bedroom Raja Mandaka
Photo by Tania Araujo, NIHI Hotels

Two Bedroom Raja Mandaka

Two Bedroom Raja Mandaka Bathroom
Photo by Read McKendree, NIHI Hotels

Three Bedroom Mamole Treehouse
Photo by Read McKendree, NIHI Hotels

Three Bedroom Mamole Treehouse

Three Bedroom Mamole Treehouse in the Jungle
Photo by Read McKendree, NIHI Hotels

Three Bedroom Mamole Treehouse Bedroom
Photo by Read McKendree, NIHI Hotels

Three Bedroom Mamole Treehouse Pool
Photo by Tania Araujo, NIHI Hotels

Three Bedroom Mamole Treehouse Beach View
Photo by Tania Araujo, NIHI Hotels

Four Bedroom Puncak Villa
Photo by Tania Araujo, NIHI Hotels

Four Bedroom Puncak Villa

Four Bedroom Wamoro Villa
Photo by Stephan Kotas, NIHI Hotels

Four Bedroom Wamoro Villa

Horses in Sumba
Nihi Island wild horses

It is widely recognized that certain animals have a positive impact on human health. NIHI Sumba was the first hotel to use this knowledge and introduce horses for therapy and wellness.

Imagine the sight of beautiful horses galloping freely on the scenic Nihiwatu beach! And if you are more adventurous than just observing them from afar, the hotel organizes horseback riding along the shore.

Sumba Island Surfing

Surfing in Sumba

For surfers, Sumba offers a unique opportunity. Occy's Left, also known as 'God's Left,' is a wave that's considered one of the best in the world. But here's the catch-only twelve lucky surfers are allowed to ride this 650-100-foot-long (two to three-hundred-meter) wave. So, if you're up for the challenge, Occy's Left is waiting for you. For beginners, NIHI offers surf lessons by qualified instructors on nearby beaches.

Nihiwatu, Desa Hobawawi, Wanukaka, 87272 Wanukaka, Indonesia