This could be the first structure ever built from the top-down. The two-floor room-and-observation-deck is suspended from a tree using nylon ropes, nylon stripes. Not one screw or nail was used in its construction. Water for the bathroom comes from rainfall and electricity comes from solar panels.
Located on the coast of Costa Rica, deep in the jungle, only 40 minutes hike from the road where you can park the car. Not too far away are the white sands of the local beaches as well. Your bedroom is on the top floor high in the forest canopy and below that is your observation deck which will bring you closer to nature than ever before. The zenith of the tree is accessible through a hatch in your bedroom ceiling. From there you can clamber high above the treetops.
The project is to draw attention to the fact that living trees are worth more than just their weight in paper and construction materials - they provide an ecosystem many species depend on. The guestroom doubles as an observation station for naturalists part of the time. The treehouse is suspended 25 meters from the ground and to get there you have to climb or be pulled up by the elevator winch system.

Manzanillo, Limon, Costa Rica