Medieval Hotel Dětenice - Candlelit Medieval LifestyleMedieval Hotel  

In a world obsessed with Hobbit films and where Game of Thrones is spawning meme after hilarious meme, it is no surprise that the Medieval Hotel is doing fast business. It offers you the experience of living a medieval lifestyle except with hot water, human rights, and no Black Death.

This is the real thing because the foundations of the hotel date back to the 14th Century, where an original almshouse once stood. The 2009 reconstruction was designed along the lines of the original architectural values. Your room is wooden, rustic, and candlelit but behind the surface lurk all the modern facilities, so don’t worry, you will have a hot shower.

The banqueting hall is worthy of the King himself with feasts of wine, meat, and fresh-baked bread. The entertainers will cavort for your pleasure with tumblers, jesters, and musicians playing the hurdy-gurdy. Actors keep alive the exciting history of the area and are dotted around the place to help the immersive experience be as close as you can get to medieval times without using a time machine.

Medieval Hotel Dětenice

Medieval Hotel tavern

Medieval Hotel dining

Traditional Czech food

Medieval beggars

Medieval Hotel room

Medieval Hotel bedroom

Medieval Hotel Detenice room

Medieval Hotel bathroom

Dětenice 1 507 24 Dětenice, Czech Republic