3 Unique Hotels in Antalya, Turkey

The Land of Legends Kingdom Hotel - Turkey's Disneyland

Belek is a scenic Mediterranean holiday town with long stretches of sandy beaches, countless beachfront hotels, and a beautiful view of the Taurus Mountains in Southern Turkey. The Kingdom Hotel is part of The Land Of Legends (not to be mixed with the popular League of Legends computer game!) entertainment …

Titanic Mardan Palace - The Ultimate Luxury Resort

Like the Pharaohs' pyramids and Nebuchadnezzar’s hanging gardens, rich men have long sought to build the ultimate thing. Mardan Palace is considered to be one of the most expensive resorts in the world, costing $1.4 billion to build. There are 546 rooms separated into three wings: Dolmabahce, European, and Anatolian, …

Hotel Marmara Antalya - Revolving Hotel

Antalya is one of Turkey’s most beautiful cities with a sequence of historic buildings that makes a dramatic skyline. To fully appreciate this, the Hotel Marmara has built a special loft on top of its normal hotel building. Containing 24 rooms, the loft is designed to rotate through 360º using …