Not just the location for the awesome Australian children’s program, Round the Twist lighthouses are also hotels. And they save lives too. Let’s hear it for lighthouses! This tower was active for over 75 years with parts of it dating back over 200 years when a huge flame was used to illuminate the savage rocks and seas.
This lighthouse hotel has wonderfully rounded rooms and specially commissioned furniture designed to make the most of the unusual space. You can dine in the copper-domed roof where you gaze in rapturous delight at the panoramic views. All the original features have been carefully restored including the harbor radio so you can listen in to the shipping frequency while watching the vessels coming into the dock. As the last lighthouse keeper, Piet Beuker observed, ‘For centuries, sailors' eyes were fixed on this spot. Now the roles have been wonderfully reversed: the beacon has become a lookout point’.

Havenweg 1, Harlingen, Netherlands