The activities available to guests and groups at the Langholmen Hotel are all about pretending to be a prisoner and making your escape from the island. You will learn skills such as teamwork, climbing, and marksmanship.
Has no one told the staff that Langholmen is no longer a prison? I can’t imagine anyone wanting to escape because it’s so nice inside.
As well as these fun games of imagination, you can take a Kayak tour of Stockholm and visit the hotel museum, which tells you all about Langholmen’s fascinating 250-year history.
Judging from the pictures here, it seems they have done a commendable job of converting the old prison into a top hotel.
Your room is in a converted cell, but fortunately, you are given a key so you can go out and enjoy dinner at their traditional Inn and Pub. No bread and water here.
A youth hostel is also attached to the hotel, enabling you to meet a more diverse range of people than you would usually find in a luxury hotel.
This unique location allows you to enjoy the sights and sounds of Stockholm and its surrounding countryside from an unusual setting.

Langholmen Hotel is located in Soder on the island of Langholmen, a lovely little island that is a paradise in the summer. You can swim, hike, or go on boat trips.

Langholmen is a former prison that, after it closed in 1975, was converted into a rather distinctive hotel. It was once Stockholm's largest prison with 500 cells.
Here, the last Swede sentenced to death was executed by guillotine in 1910. It was discussed closing it down in between the two world wars, but it only happened in 1975.

Although the central prison was demolished, most other buildings on Langholmen have been preserved. The old city prison is today a hotel and hostel.
There is, among other things, a folk high school, a museum, and hotel rooms in the other buildings.

The prison museum is in the main building, and you can even buy a prison uniform. This might sound a little strange, but it's quite a fun experience.

The prison cell doors are kept original, although getting in and out has become more accessible.
Instead of moving the massive metal bars to open and close, you can use your hotel key card.

In the museum, you can see what the original cells looked like.

And many of the rooms still have the same layout but with some added comfort. The mattresses and bed linens are plush, and you will not need permission to leave your cell.

The larger rooms used to be the prison guards' offices.

The outdoor terrace is where the hotel serves breakfasts.

Langholmen island's beaches are full of life during summer and are one of the locals' favorite places.
Långholmsmuren 20, 117 33 Stockholm, Sweden