As this resort is owned and run by Kate Pierson, the singer from The B52s, it’s going to be hard for me to write this without making a pun about the song ‘Love Shack’…
Oh wait, she’s beaten me to it. Apparently, you can stay in an actual Love Shack here. Excellent work.
Kate’s Lazy Meadow is, in fact, a large property in the Catskill Mountains in New York State. You can stay here in original woodland cabins that have been turned into suites decorated in vintage 1950s style.
Kate has a second location known as ‘Kate’s Lazy Desert’ which is located in the High Desert of California near Joshua Tree.

Back in New York, it’s time to relax in Kate’s Lazy Meadow, listening to the birds and crickets in the grass.

Aqua Stripe Airstream

Blue Stripe Airstream

All the cabins come with a kitchenette and a retro collection of videotapes. How about getting one with a hot tub to sit out at night?

Green Stripe Airstream

Red Stripe Airstream

Yellow Stripe Airstream

58380 Botkin Rd Landers, CA 92285, United States