This hotel was built in 1892 in the Jungfrau-Aletsch protected area of the Swiss Alps that has since become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The 30-bed and dormitory property has been passed down four and five generations of the same family which is impressive in these harsh times where such hotels are bought out and turned into money-spinning hovels decked in garish design fads.
Things here are slower and more traditional. Rooms are simple and arranged to accommodate groups and individual travelers seeking a relaxing and quiet night in the mountain nature. Overnight stays are possible during the Summer season. The restaurant is famous for using sustainable and healthy products such as lamb from their biological farmyard which is served with home-baked bread. Activities abound as this is the Alps, after all, in the summer there is hiking and rowing while in the winter there is skiing and ice-fishing. There is an electric mobile taxi service at the hotel. The car runs with water electricity from the lake itself. Do all this under the cover of the world's greatest mountains.

Postfach 102, Kandersteg, Switzerland