Ghost Hotels
Despite the prevalence of TV ghost hunting, most people never see a ghost in their life. This is why the haunted hotel is so enticing, as these accommodations claim that multiple visitors have witnessed paranormal activity; from voices to visions to mysterious movements in the night. Most of these hotels are from the 19th century or before and feature hunting expeditions as well as overnight stays.

The Clown Motel - USA's Most Terrifying Accommodation
On the side of the Main Street of Tonopah in Nevada lies Clown Motel right next to the Old Tonopah Cemetery. This hotel owes its name to the central theme of the hotel – clowns. Leona and Leroy David built this hotel in 1985. Their father was a clown collector, …

Tulloch Castle Hotel - One Of The Most Haunted Places In Scotland
The Tulloch Castle Hotel is what is left of the 12th-century Tulloch Castle. Many original features are retained in the hotel, like the castle’s walls, the Great Hall, fireplaces, and ceilings. A long time ago, only a Chief of the Clan or Laird could stay in such a prominent castle, …

Q Station – Go To Quarantine And Get Infected With A Love Of History
After pulling-off the typical European trick of killing thousands of native people with infectious diseases, early settlers in Australia set up a quarantine station in Sydney. The Q –Station housed all new immigrants to Australia for 40 days and functioned from 1830-1984. Much of the area and buildings have been …

The Jane Hotel - New York Hotel Where The Titanic Survivors Stayed
In 1908 if you were a tired seadog taking a well-earned shore leave, you would stay in the Seaman's Relief Centre. Immature snickers aside, the building was built by the famous architect William A Boring and is a fine example of turn-of-the-century neoclassicism. It once housed the traumatized survivors of …

Karosta Prison - Adventure In A Former Soviet Prison
Unchanged since Tsarist Russia, for 100 years this prison served to brutalize those who fell foul of the Tsar and Communist Party. The place is said to be haunted. Perhaps you feel brave enough to take their tour. Just don’t blame your captors… I mean hosts when you see a …