F.A.S.T (Free Architecture Surf Terrain) is an alternative surfing community with a hostel, an all-summer beach party, and a number of ‘survival capsules’. These originally came from an off-shore oil rig and are now available to stay in.
You can choose from a few pods, each with its own emergency chemical toilet (good to know). Facilities inside range from the basic - if you have ever wondered what life would be like living in a pod in a post-nuclear-holocaust, then this one is for you - to the luxurious option based on the escape pod featured in the James Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me.
Each pod has space for you and up to two companions. The luxury version is decked out with 1970s glamour and has everything you need to make some ‘shaken not stirred’ Martinis, a disco ball, comfy rugs, and a TV/DVD player complete with a set of James Bond movies to inspire some espionage-based fantasy.
First created as an art project, the Capsules have toured their one-of-a-kind experience all over Europe, with the owner, Denis Oudendijk, bringing permanent locations to Amsterdam, Belgium, and France.
Strandweg 2586 Den Haag, Netherlands