Bunker L479 - Former Nazi Structure in Brittany Turned into a Quirky Underground RentalBunker L479  

The French couple Serge and Virginie embarked on an ambitious project to transform a former World War II bunker in the quaint village of Saint-Pabu into a quirky living space for those not afraid to stay underground.

The original military structure, "Luftwaffe Station Renntier", was built in 1943 in Saint-Pabu (Finistère), just a few hundred meters from Corn ar Gazel and Béniguet beaches.

The building served as the German army's fighter command post during the Second World War, reserved for officers. It was the decision-making center for the entire northern coast of Finistère.

Type: Underground   War
Bunker L479 in Saint-Pabu, France

The couple, who have lived in Saint-Pabu for over a decade, stumbled upon the bunker by chance, which sparked their curiosity. In 2017, the Colliou family purchased the land where the bunker is located for 35,000 euros.

Bunker L479 Entrance Staircase B&W

They faced a significant challenge in renovating L479. The construction site was massive, with the bunker covering 400 m2 over two floors.

Bunker L479 Entrance Staircase

It had been abandoned for 70 years and used as a landfill. The renovation took eighteen months, and the bunker was available to rent starting in 2020.

Bunker L479 Military Zone, No Entry
"Military terrain, do not enter"

About thirteen bunkers of this type were constructed along the Atlantic Wall—a system of fortifications built by the Third Reich along the European coasts during the Second World War—but only this one has been restored.

Bunker L479 Main Entrance

The intimidating tone is set right from the moment you arrive at the bunker's entrance: 'Military terrain, no entry.'

Bunker L479 Steep Staircase
Steep staircase leading down to the bunker's heart

Luckily, the days when civilians were forbidden to enter this concrete structure are long gone.

Bunker L479 Corridor

The completely renovated World War II bunker is 12 meters below ground.

Bunker L479 Kitchen
The kitchen is suitable to prepare food for large groups

The bunker includes individual rooms, an 8-bed dormitory, a hammock dormitory, bathrooms, two lounges, a large dining table for ten people, a bar, a designated smoking area, and a kitchen.

Bunker L479 Living Room

Bunker L479 Historic World War II Map on the Wall

Bunker L479 Bar
The "Bunker Bar"

Bunker L479 Dining Space

Bunker L479 Leather Sofas

Bunker L479 Smoking Room
Smoking room

The bunker is not a museum but contains relics of its former purpose, including old telephones, replica weapons, and metal cabinets.

Bunker L479 Fumoir

Plus, there are photos on the walls of how the bunker looked before its renovation.

Bunker L479 Bathroom

Bunker L479 Staircase Leading to the Basement

Bunker L479 Room
Single room

The bunker can be rented by the night (sleeps eight) or for a party (capacity of 25 beds), with the requirement of having a guard on-site.

Bunker L479 Single Room


Apart from the private rooms there is a dormitory with four bunk bed for maximum eight people, and there is a room with hammocks.

Bunker L479 "Danger Mines" Sign

Bunker L479 Hammock Dormitory
Dormitory with hammocks

One of the weirdest combinations you can imagine is a set of cozy hammocks 12 meters under the ground in a former nazi bunker. It's one of the most unique places you can sleep for sure!

Bunker L479 Layout
The layout of the two underground floors of Bunker L479

Saint-Pabu Coast
The coast of Saint-Pabu

This atypical accommodation is only 400 meters from the beautiful Atlantic Ocean beaches.

Saint-Pabu Beach

42 Rue Avel Vor, 29830 Saint-Pabu, France