Ever wondered if the Britain of Beatrix Potter still exists? If there still are parts of the island where people still live in harmony? Gentle countryside living is what you will get when you stay in the Black Mountain Yurt. Situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty, your yurt is the perfect cross between a tent and a warm front room. There is no electricity - all the light comes from candles, and there is a wood-burning stove to keep you warm at night and in the early mornings. Inside, it's all very cozy, sheepskin rugs and warm Welsh wool blankets on the hand-made oak bed.
The area is fine for hiking, climbing, and gliding – everything that’s fun to do in the hills. It is the kind of place slowly being produced by a slight raising of consciousness in Britain and Europe - a return to the medieval “smallholder” philosophy combined with modern eco-technology.

Abergavenny NP7 7LY, United Kingdom