Aman Sveti Stefan - Mediterranean High LifeAman  
Sveti Stefan

Sveti Stefan is a fortified village built on an island connected to the Montenegro mainland by a thin causeway. It was originally a Muslim settlement built in the 15th century. When it became Christian, the 12 families living there fortified the village to protect it from the expansionist Ottoman Empire. Later, it became a haven for pirates and stolen booty (m’hearties). The descendants of these original inhabitants were removed from the village in the early 19th Century so the ruling elites of Serbia could have the olive groves and sweet beaches all to themselves. In the late 20th Century, the village fell into disrepair before being renovated and opened into the luxury resort it is today.

Your room is a traditional Mediterranean village house. The old piazza is the social center of the resort. There is a bakery, ‘Cigar Room’ and a choice of alfresco and traditional dining experiences. You can relax on the long stretch of private beach and go diving and snorkeling in the gentle waters of the Mediterranean. Eastern-inspired spa treatments are available in thatched houses or can be delivered to your room.

Sveti Stefan Island

Sveti Stefan

Sveti Stefan Beach

Sveti Stefan Nature

Aman Sveti Stefan

Aman Sveti Stefan private beach

Aman Sveti Stefan Deluxe Cottage

Aman Sveti Stefan Deluxe Cottage room

Aman Sveti Stefan Deluxe Cottage interior

Aman Sveti Stefan Deluxe Cottage bathroom

Aman Sveti Stefan bathroom

Door to the bathroom

Aman Sveti Stefan private terrace

Aman Sveti Stefan view from the room

Aman Sveti Stefan small terrace

Aman Sveti Stefan Beach Bar

Aman Sveti Stefan Bar

View from Aman Sveti Stefan

Aman Sveti Stefan Sunset

The town of Kotor, about 1,5 hours drive from Sveti Stefan

The town of Kotor, about 1,5 hours drive from Sveti Stefan

Old Town Budva, only 10 minutes from Sveti Stefan

Old Town Budva, only 10 minutes from Sveti Stefan

Skadar Lake National Park is shared by Montenegro and Albania

Skadar Lake National Park is shared by Montenegro and Albania

Our Lady of the Rocks Church in Perast

Our Lady of the Rocks Church in Perast

Sveti Stefan 85315, Montenegro