Legend has it that when God was done creating the world, he had a handful of features left - deserts, mountains, and forests. He put them all in his pocket. But his pocket had a hole in it and as he walked across heaven bits of land leftover from making the world fell out in a trail along the spine of South America and the result was Chile with its huge diversity of landscape.
Located among the fallen limbs of the old fortress, Pucara of Quitor, the hotel’s architecture is modern and chic while remaining simple and respectful of the stunning environment. There is a spa, pool, and yoga fields. There are many excursions into the stunning Atacama Desert or Andes Mountains giving an unprecedented range of climates, landscapes, and activities. Everything is designed along the ‘leave no trace’ eco-policy. You can hike, mountain bike, or go star gazing – all with experienced guides.

Camino Pukara, Ayllu de Quitor, 1410000 San Pedro de Atacama, Chile